Thursday, August 31, 2006

Recognizing Subproblems On CTS

Today I got a problem on CTS I've never seen before, but instantly recognized a 3-move mate subproblem in it. Only this time there was a 'removal of the guard' to be done by a 'decoy' first. It took me far less time to recognize the mate, than I usually need to orient myself even to roughly see the position. Not to even mention spotting the tactics yet. It was just instantaneous. -The recognition took less than half a second, and then I just built the rest of the solution up to make that 3-move mate happen. It made me think: "this must be the way the really good players see the tactics", and strengthened my belief that I'm on the right path with massive repetition of tactical problems. Recognition, not calculation. It's all starting to come together.

CTS: 1559, 77.6%, 56175, session 25f/159 = 84.3%
RHP: 1717, 165 games, wld 106-53-8


Temposchlucker said...

That's the way!

transformation said...

how sweet the joy!

transformation said...


wormwood said...

you americans get so easily excited about everything. a finn would say something like: "not a complete failure", if he'd even say anything at all. more likely he would just grunt in a way that implied a vague approval. :)

transformation said...


transformation said...

"as the zen master said, with the fierce flashing steely grey eyes, his old wizand beard, waiving with his terrable screaming gesture, the young student cowering with his head down, ready to recieve the blow from his teaching stick... his yell is ear piercing, and shouts to the young monk:

"WHAT CAN YOU DO???!!!!"