Wednesday, June 20, 2007

CTS 1577 on 89.2% Success Rate

Pretty close to 90%, but still no cigar. The good days were a bit over 96%, the worst I think I got 5 wrong out of twenty no matter how hard I tried. It's obvious it's better to stop the session when those failures start piling up, but I can't just seem to be able to do that. The rating was pretty steady around 1580-1590, so no big changes there.

The method dk suggested, just slowing down after a bad stretch, forcing 20 or so correct in a row regardless of the rating drop, well that does seem to do the trick. Unless you're too tired and your brain just won't work. But usually the method works.

This time it took me 768 tries to increase the overall success rate 0.1 percent, which is 240 tries less than in the last batch. Looks like a big improvement, considering that the success rate increased only 2.9%. But the hill just gets really steep the higher you get.

CTS: 1577, 86740 tries, 78.0%.


transformation said...

tonight was a perfect example: every time i was just about ready to finish at exactly >90.0%, id literally get ONE wrong. yes, tired. but quite the contrary: instead of a sixty or seventy session (enough for me, these days), i wound up doing 19f/178s= 191 at 90.052%.

quitting not allowed till then.

lately ive been about 92% for last 800, and hit 1550 but it fell back tonight in all regards except, of course, aggregated overall percentage, up from 86.2886 to 86.3118% etc. :)

i did notice your session tonight, and saw the last print. bravo.

thoughts of you all day today, write it tomorrow and next day. :) see post for information on last two esssays. :)
i have it all planed.

you are the dinner guest, literally. details soon.

warmly, dk

ps glad you are trying 'it'. marvelous.

Unknown said...

that's a damn nice percentage...i'm trying dk's method as well, i'm hoping to see some improvement....

wormwood said...

can't just seem to be able to keep the long time average (700-800 tries, the time it takes for my overall success rate to increase 0.1%) over 90%. most days I do well, 92-96%, but it takes only one tired crappy day to bring the average under 90. so far my 0.1% batch averages have been 86.3%, 89.2%, 89.1%, 88.7% and 89.5%. always falling just a tiny bit short from 90%... well, maybe this time. at least I'm back over 1600 now, with 92.6%, but I'm sure I'll screw it up once again...

well, it's only training, so the numbers don't really matter that much anyway. but it's still annoying.

Nobis said...

"The method dk suggested, just slowing down after a bad stretch, forcing 20 or so correct in a row regardless of the rating drop, well that does seem to do the trick."
Thank you for your advice, I tried it today and my success percentage jumped up in a sec!!!
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