Monday, February 05, 2007

"The Harder I Practice, The Luckier I Get"

This was one of those days when you can't do anything wrong, and your opponents get the karmic counterpunch. The race is long, and it all evens out in the end, but today was my day.

[White "BTAT"]
[Black "wormstar"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1821"]
[BlackElo "1562"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. f3 e6 3. e4 c5 4. Be3 Nc6 5. Bb5 cxd4 6. Bxd4 Qa5+ 7. Nc3 Bb4 8. Ne2 Qxb5 9. a3 Bxc3+ 10. Bxc3 Qg5 11. g4 O-O 12. Qd6 Ne8 13. Qd3 d5 14.h4 dxe4 15. Qxe4 Qd5 16. Qe3 b6 17. Nf4 Qc5 18. Qd2 Ba6 19. O-O-O Rd8 20.Qh2 Rxd1+ 21. Rxd1 Qe3+ 22. Kb1 Qxf3 23. Bb4 Qxd1+{BTAT resigns} 0-1

I just hammered 1646 on CTS, with a 85.7% session. This is getting ridiculous.

FICS standard: 1620
CTS: 1646


Jusah said...

seems like you are going to make it over 1700 CTS in a month...

wormwood said...

hahah, well, maybe that's just a tad optimistic. I do very little of it these days, so I don't expect there to be much improvement anytime soon...