Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Year 2006 And Goals For 2007

I guess it's time to make a quick summary on the year 2006. Looking back, chess improvement went reasonably well, although I didn't get around to playing standard games. Other than that, I pretty much reached my goals for the year. broke 1600 on CTS, 1200 in FICS blitz, and would've even broken the 1800 on RHP without the 40 swindled points I mentioned in my previous post. So, all in all, things went pretty well.

For the year 2007 I'm making some minor changes in my training program. Tactics will no longer be the primary training I'll be using my efforts on, instead I'm concentrating on endgames. I'll still be doing some CTS just for fun and CT-ART for calculation exercises, but the bulk of my time will be devoted to mastering the material in the 3 Karsten Müller endgame dvds I acquired. I have watched through the dvds 1&2, and now I'm drilling all the examples against fritz until I can instantly recognize and perform the necessary procedures. I'm now drilling the pawn endgames, and needless to say but it has made all the difference. I'm pretty sure all of my explicit knowledge of the related theory was almost useless, as in reality I had to actually calculate K+P vs. K. Now I recognize the critical squares etc. instantly, and can tell with great certainty if the situation is won/drawn in 20 moves, and what needs to be done to make it so. Suddenly, the deadly boring endgames have actually become fun! It's almost like magic when you know the theory, and know without calculation that no move exist for the opponent to break the theory, no matter how he answers.

Goals for the year 2007: RHP 1900, FICS blitz 1500, and let's say 1600 for FICS standard if I (hopefully) get around to playing standard games. I realize the standard goal isn't exactly on par with the other goals, but I'm going to work first on my blitz, and only then standard if there's time/energy.


transformation said...

7 3 , 4 3 3 has 60% of the integers as three's. i suppose this is fitting to a 1630 elo cts. :)


(i am now... 1581, of course, with a suffered percentage, but, then again, dogWaste is 95.6149%, soon, of course, to be 96.0% with justice done to a specific situation. :) )

wormwood said...

I think taking it easy has had some influence. :) I'm now only doing cts once or twice a week, and only few dozens of problems at a time. y'know, just for fun. I don't look at success either, probably around 80% or so.

btw, I ran into another similar tactics site, at with 11 000 problems from real games. it's not as stylish as cts, but it seems to work okay.

transformation said...

how goes CT-art3.0%? this last post was twelve days ago... once i surpass chessDog, tomorrow, a two month project-- :) --i will VIGOROUSLY resume cta3.

i am around problem 770 or so, as i recall. i have very strong opinions as to how this training should go, and eager to listen in on your findings. sincerely! eager to hear! of course, it is not perfect software, but marvelous nevertheless!

warmest regards, and soon i will do my also planned year end summary, and new year public plan.

thanks for sharing it. these things, peer to peer have great value. dk