Wednesday, February 08, 2006

30 000 Problems Done at CTS!

It's been a long and rocky road. I started doing tactics at CTS last August, and I had not really done any before. 1050 was my score for the first day, on which I did around 700 problems. The first hundred points was pretty easy, and around 1200 it started to become more difficult. Now, 5 months later, I'm almost 400pts higher. So you could say It's been beneficial. The aim is to break 1600 during 2006, which I think is possible if I just can keep on doing those tactics regularly. But there's already been a couple of longer breaks, so it's possible I'll lose the motivation somewhere down the line. We'll see.


Sancho Pawnza said...

Welcome to the fun!

You might want to turn "word verification" on.

It helps nail the spam bots.

wormwood said...

thanks for the tip!

transformation said...

forgive me wormwood, message far back in time to burry our conversation semi-off line, since few if any go this far back!

im so tired of listening to Prufrock, day after day, i had to say something. bound to ruffle some feathers. he is not a bad guy, but almost juvenial in his need for attention, and now we have another Brit who writes just like him bragging about fifty in a row!!! my god.

telling us his rating after a few hundred tries??

please may i suggest you see the last notes at CTS as i know you will, but FYI.

regards, david

transformation said...

wormwood, i hope that you can visit my most recent post? warm regards, dk

transformation said...

Dear Wormwood:

Is there any chance that you could drop by CTS comments and read this last one, and tell me what you think this guy is saying? Can it be he is NOT accusing me of cheating and if he is, a comment by you in defense of me?

Of course, I bleed like all other CTS users, as you know, with no funny clock enhanced crap as Blitz-Maniac, is it his name does… but hard to know what this dude behind me is saying? I am not deeply upset but it does offend, and better for others to speak for me.

I would be so grateful.

Warmly, David in Seattle

transformation said...

new post, mention you :)